Ahh homecoming, such a fun time for many but at Sparta it is much more than that. It is a school wide competition that determines the fate of the red apple. The red apple is a prestigious award given to the winning class. How this prize is won is something I would love to inform everyone of but first I want to describe the atmosphere of homecoming at Sparta.
The week before the Friday of homecoming is filled with dress up days as well as a food drive and penny a point. Class participation is how the base of points is started. It's always interesting to see how into it the classes get. The Freshman are usually unsure of how this process works. They are timid and shy about going all out when participating in dress up days seeing as this is their first year being involved in the competition. This results in participation numbers in the 30% range. Then you have the Sophomores. They have been through this once and are now ready to be true contendors. They are more into taking on aspects of the competition but some don't truely understand the importance of this competition yet as the freshman never come close to winning the red apple. Their numbers tend to hang in the 40% range. And lest we not forget the Juniors. So sure of themselves having done this two times now they believe that they can take away the award from the seniors. Their costumes on dress up days tend to be all out and impressive but still not enough to over take the Seniors who will not let the award fall from their grasp. The juniors love to hover around the 50% mark. Seniors we know how this thing works like the back of our hands. Dress up days call for outrageous outfits as well as a little bit of public humiliation but this is all in the name of continuing on the tradition of the red apple. Thus their numbers hang around the 60% mark.

Now onto the games. On friday all the classes meet in the gym in a battle of the year all for the prestigous honor of having their class be engraved on the red apple. The Freshman fearful, Sophomores self-assured that they have a chance, Juniors Jubilant, and the Seniors salivating for a win. The games consist of the catipillar crawl, orange pass, food structure, kangaroo hop, Scooter relay, HulaHoop game, Tennis ball relay, Pie eating contest, float, and last but not least Mock Rock. Seniors having had three years of experience will win almost every game flawlessly. But the most important competition I believe is mock rock. Every year each grade will present a mock rock that goes along with the theme. This year it was musicals. The poor Freshman presented their misguided version of High School Musical. The Sophomores a cute rendition of Grease. The Juniors their unfortunate arrangement of Footloose. The Seniors their dominating performance of Rock of Ages. All in all this years homecoming was memorable and of course the seniors won with a lead of 20 points. A final note the Sparta homecoming is an event to be seen. Honestly this event should be a tourist attraction.
Live Long and Prosper!
great diction but you um, kinda forgot about limbo! *cough-cough-#champ-right-cough-hear-cough-cough* sorry, throat tickle ;)